Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another of Steve's money-making toy ??

Those living in the old age, you will be waking up to see the new Apple "toy of century" soon to release in the US market and everywhere perhaps, as everyone in the industry waits to see what Apple's response to netbooks, competitor tablets and E-Book readers will be. The rumour mill has been running and here is some of the news from the grapevine:

- The tablet may or may not be called iPad or iSlate [ To me, the "ipad" does not sound so nice as it sounds like the lady sanitary piece, hope Steve has given some thoughts on this. iSlate also does not sound hi-tech at all ]

- The tablet may basically be a hybrid of between a MacBook and an iPhone. It'll most likely have a metal unibody construction with a glass front that might make it look like a much larger, flatter iPhone.
- The tablet likely has Wi-Fi connectivity, and will be an E-Book reader on steroids (watch out Kindle, Apple's gunning for you). It'll probably be a terrific gaming machine, plus the capabilities for web browsing, e-mail and the ability to multitask.  Hope battery life is not an issue here ! !

The only time in recent history where the hype approached the levels of this announcement was for the introduction of the iPhone 2-3 years ago. The big question on everyone's mind is whether the new tablet will have the same type of response the original iPod and iPhones. I believe personally it will still have some market impact looking at the pricing of this new product, if set at less than S$900 or S$1000.  Manufacturers of E-Book readers are most likely having the feeling of impending doom with their product of limited features and same pricing strategy....
There's also talk of a new, improved contact and calendar synching system for the ipad so it will be similar to that used on the PC tablet.
Another rumour is the possible announcement of a touch-screen version of the iMac. The iMac has become one of the most popular computers in Apple's fleet, and touch screen capability would add tremendously to its appeal with consumers.

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