Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 Troubles after Troubles...

Viruses Attack

• Sars: Severe acute respiratory syndrome is the deadly virus of 2002 and 2003. It causes fever, headaches, body aches, pneumonia and diarrhoea, among other symptoms. It almost cause the collapse of the airline and travel industries.
Sars originates in Asia and spreads to more than two dozen countries on four continents before it is contained. The death toll: 774 people. Airline industries almost got "Killed" by this new and relatively unknown virus and the global world was not prepared when it started and no known vaccine was available at the time of disaster.   
• Avian flu: The virus, also known as bird flu, claims its first human victims in 1997 in Hong Kong. It re-emerges in 2003 and 2004, killing almost 60 per cent of those it infects. The toll has reached more than 260 people, according to WHO figures.
• The H1N1 virus: The virus is deemed a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on June 11 this year, making it the first flu pandemic of the 21st century. At least 11,516 people worldwide have been killed by H1N1 since the disease first emerged in April in Mexico. Medical companies are in the big rush to produce the required amount of vaccines for the people and it seems this virus is not as deadly as originally anticipated.

We could see that the economy at end of 2009 is picking up some steam and 2010 may still be volatile and any such kind of "troubles" mutating into more serious consequences may at anytime cause the collapse of any industry, including the vulnerable effects created by non other than, Terrorism , which is the most "deadly virus" in human spread by "unkind" mankind.

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