Friday, February 5, 2010

Watch out iPAD ! !

Watch out iPAD. Google Chrome OS, an open-source operating system is set to debut in the second half of 2010 a mock tablet design on the developers' Web site
The design was actually unveiled two days before Apple CEO Steve Jobs gave the world its first glimpse at the iPad.  According to, Google's operating system would be optimized for a tablet that has a 5-inch to 10-inch screen, but it could work on larger devices.
The designs includes large, square icons and controls, navigation tabs on the side and the ability to run multiple programs in separate, side-by-side windows at once ( seems like a much better "toy" than the PAD ?? )
The tablet running Google Chrome OS include a virtual keyboard at the bottom of the screen or a keyboard that could be opened in a separate window that could be placed in different areas of the screen ( WOW, another plus factor ! ! ! ). Applications would be placed at the bottom edge of the screen and could be opened with an upward dragging motion.
When Google first announced that it was building an operating system, the company said it was focusing on the netbook market. Though Chrome OS' developers said they are still primarily focused on netbooks, the operating system could get to a wide variety of devices including an iPad-like tablet computer.
Google Chrome OS is still in development and currently experimenting with various user interfaces to determine what designs would produce the best.
Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) probably won't design the tablet hardware itself. Instead, as with its Nexus One smartphone, which is made by HTC but runs Google's Android operating system, Google would probably look to partner with one or more hardware makers ( Good for hardware makers now running dry on orders and maybe saturated market sentiment ?? )
With a Chrome OS launch slated for the the holiday season, it is unlikely that a Google tablet would be released until next year ?? Taking too long and no OPTION otherthan the PAD ??

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