Monday, June 20, 2011

Some more insights of a Semi-sub Drilling Rig

The company has secured a US$300 plus million to build a repeat semisubmersible drilling rig for Brazilian drilling contractor group Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás (QGOG) and to be named "Alpha Star". The first one built earlier was named Gold Star ( see below rig data taken from QGOG website ). An innovative design, the DSSTM 38 semisubmersible drilling rig is designed to meet the operational requirements in the deepwater “Golden Triangle” region, comprising Brazil, Africa and the Gulf of Mexico.
The rig is rated to drill to depths of 30,000 feet below mud line in just over 9,000 feet water depth. It is 103.5 metres in overall length, with a main deck size of 69.5 metres by 69.5 metres. Its operational displacement is approximately 38,000 tonnes. The rig has accommodation facilities to house a crew of up to 130 men. It has both vertical and horizontal riser storage. The eight 3000kW Azimuthing thrusters configuration are designed to keep the vessel in position. All configurations comply with the  Dynamic Positioned System (DPS-2) requirements.


Alpha Star

Gold star

Source : Straits Times, QGOG website.

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