Sunday, April 29, 2018

Below are what I would suggest the 8 blogger rules for guidance to better blogging moral ethics without getting into the wrong footstep by offending any reader or external party...

1. Shall not speak ill of another

A court may find you having defamed someone if you published something that causes members of the public to think less of that person, or which exposes that individual to contempt or ridicule.  Liability is not based on whether you intent to defame someone but more about the effects of your statements.

In cyberspace, postings on blogs and social networking sites may be considered to be "publications" and may potentially be defamatory.

2. Shall not distribute obscene material

Under the Penal Code, it is an offence to download, possess or distribute by electronic means any sexually explicit material - whether book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, painting, representation or figure, video, images, etc. 
3. Shall not misuse a computer

We could be fined or jailed for accessing a computer to retrieve data or program without permission. It is a crime to hack into someone's computer regardless of whether or not the other party has suffered any harm.

4. Shall not commit offence against the state

Under the Sedition Act in Singapore, it is an offence to carry out any act that can be considered as having "seditious tendency". This can be interpreted as a tendency to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the Government or the administration of justice in Singapore.
On online social networking sites, if you single out a particular racial or religious group, custom or practice for ridicule, it may be construed as promoting feelings of ill-will and hostility between different demographic groups.

5. Shall not threaten racial and religious harmony

The Penal Code imposes fines and jail penalties for words, which include online postings, intended to wound the religious or racial feelings of another individual or to promote feelings of ill-will between different religious and racial groups. The offence carries imprisonment which may extend to three years, or a fine, or both.

6. Shall not disrupt the public order

Anyone who assists or promotes any assembly or procession without a required permit under the Public Order Act may be committing an offence that carries a fine not exceeding $5,000. Repeat offenders face jail too.

Under the same Act, a person who "organises" an illegal assembly or procession can be construed broadly to include anyone who uses online media - for example, through Facebook - to encourage others to attend a gathering, meeting, march or parade, for purposes such as demonstrating support for or opposition to the views or actions of a government or people; or to publicise a cause or campaign; or to mark or commemorate any event.

7. Shall not incite violence

Under the Penal Code, whoever makes or communicates any electronic record that contains any incitement to violence, counsels disobedience to the law or that is likely to lead to any breach of the peace, faces a jail term of up to five years. They can also be fined, or both.

8. Thou shalt not reveal details of government documents or locations

The Official Secrets Act's coverage is wide-ranging, with severe penalties. Be careful not to take photos of certain government premises or documents. The mere capturing of such information or data on one's mobile device is an offence, even if this is not communicated to any person.

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